Thursday, November 11, 2010

3rd Time Lucky?

I've been trying to be a blogger for about 4 years time flies...ummm...

my 1st blog was about music and the lyrical meaning of songs...
it is super lame for me and i know its lame because a friend of mine once said 'ko xde motif ke pe?' well, she was regarded as Dewi Blog back then so i accept her critic like an AF contestant being criticizes by Adlin...hehehe...btw,i don't watch AF cos i don't like the term 'u hv the face n voice to be successful in this industry'...fak that!!!...
(sori for the language...gua xde niat nk berbudi bahasa dlm laman gua sendiri...klo gua masuk tempat org, ye, gua bersopan...)

well, my 2nd blog is about the freedom of speech...(do we even have that here...???) or should i say, the interpretation of world from my point of view...aaahhh...that sentence should cover it nicely...heee...
the 2nd one also don't last my 2nd blog, i manage to squeeze in 3 post before i call it quit...mareli, u damn lazy! heh...

so what happened to those 2 blogs?
well, the reason is simple...

The Streamyx was cut because we (me and my house mate) are too lazy to go to town (where TM is located) and pay off the bill...heee...we managed to use Streamyx for a year and a half before it was cut...

some might ask, 'why dont u go to CC?'
my answer is: 'CC klo laju adela jugak selera aku nk pegi bro! gua sempat g beli burger sebelum FB kt CC tu bleh login...bapak lembab! ko pki Pentium 3 ke pe dlm PC?da taun 2007 la oi! (waktu tu...)'

so there it history in blog world and why so please don't expect much in me updating regularly...heee...

nota melekit: gua cube menjadi seorang blogger tegar! haha...

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